First Methodist Youth

At First Methodist Church of Altus, our goal is to make every youth aged kid from 7th to 12th grade a genuine disciple for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We do this through our Sunday School and Worship on Wednesday, or WOW, classes.

Each class we start with fellowship where the kids get to talk about their week and what new challenges they might be facing. After that, we have a bible lesson and then a discussion about how we can apply what we talked about to our everyday life and the stresses and pressures of the world.

We also focus on giving thanks, praise, and glory to our Lord for all the blessings He has given to us and does give to us daily. We end the class in prayer.

We try to have a group activity once a month, typically on a Saturday. We have had a swimming party, gone bowling, and visited urban air up in Lawton.

What I hope for my youth group is that they enjoy their time with us and the activities while at the same time learning to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and will always follow him in all their ways. Amen!

Sunday School - Every Sunday at 10 AM following the Traditional Service.

WOW - Every Wednesday dinner from 5 PM - 6 PM with class following from 6 PM - 7 PM.